| 1. | On the applicable law of retention of title 论货物所有权保留的法律适用 |
| 2. | System of retention of title is from roman law but it was not taken into account for lack of use 所有权保留制度源于罗马法,至十九世纪末,伴随着工业革命蓬勃兴起。 |
| 3. | As long as the retention of title applies any of the parties shall be authorised to have unhindered access to the equipment 只要所有权保留申请其中任一个党将被批准有不受妨碍访问对设备。 |
| 4. | We generally consider the nature of retention of title from the two angles of ownership transfer and security of debt theoretically 关于所有权保留的性质,理论上通常从所有权的转移和债的担保两个视角进行考虑。 |
| 5. | If the parties have validly agreed on retention of title , the goods shall remain the property of the seller until the complete payment of the price , or as otherwise agreed 如果双方对于货物所有权的保留作了有效的约定,卖方对货物保留所有权直到价款支付完毕为止,或者依另外的约定。 |
| 6. | As a security way that the bargainer realizes his credit , retention of title is widely used in contracts for sales , in which the objects are delivered in advance while the price is paid afterwards 然而,各国对所有权保留制度下诸问题的理解争议颇多,本文选取了所有权保留若干理论问题中的三个问题进行阐述。 |
| 7. | So - called exceptions such as retention of title , proprietary security , mortgage of movable property and especially the consignation in notion make me convinced that the publicity principle is not flawless at least in terms of movable property 所有权保留、让与担保和动产抵押,尤其是观念交付等所谓例外现象的存在,令我相信,公示原则至少在动产上并非无懈可击。 |
| 8. | The second part is about the study on kinds and forms of ownership reservation . the former can be further divided into simple retention of title , extended retention of title , prolonged retention of title and complex retention of title 文章第二部分为所有权保留的种类和形态相关问题的研究,前者包括简单的所有权保留,扩张的所有权保留,延长的所有权保留和复杂的所有权保留。 |
| 9. | The forth part is classified into two parts . the first one analyses the legal effects to the parties the second one studies the legal effects to the third party . the final part is about retention of title and risk of loss 主要研究了标的物处分与第三人的关系,标的物处分与第三人的关系,标的物上设定动产质押;抵押时与所有权保留竟合时法律关系以及所有权保留与强制执行的关系及问题。 |
| 10. | In the public method real property and chattels such as vehicle , vessel , aircraft etc , are registered , the retention of title comes into effect while there are recordings of chattels in the register bill , they can defend anyone 第三,在所有权保留的公示方法上,对不动产及车辆、船舶、航空器等特殊动产应采登记生效主义,对动产所有权保留应采登记对抗主义并在登记制度中引入购物发票制度。 |